Create your local cluster of docker-machine

This script will create x nodes docker-machine named node-1 to name-n, the purpose of this script is for local debug or tests, you can after access to these by:

docker-machine ssh node-n


install Docker-machine:


  docker-machine-cluster [-h | --help] To get this help
  docker-machine-cluster [-c | --create x]
      Where x is the number of manager node to create/add in the swarm.
  docker-machine-cluster [-d | --destroy x]
      Where x is the number of manager node to create/add in the swarm.

Create a cluster of 4 node:

./utils2devops/bin/ -c 5

Destroy it:

./utils2devops/bin/ -d 5

Create a Docker Swarm on nodes docker-machine

This script will create a swarm on nodes docker-machine named node-1 to name-n, the purpose of this script is for local debug or tests, you can after access to these by:

docker-machine ssh node-n


install Docker Swarm:


  swarm [-h | --help] To get this help
      If the docker-swarm don't exist it will be created
  swarm -c|--create [-m|--count_manager x -w|--count_worker y] To create node to a swarm
      Where x is the number of manager node to create/add in the swarm.
      Where y is the number of worker node to create/add in the swarm.
  swarm -r|--remove x] To destroy a swarm
      Where x is the number of node in the swarm..

Create a docker swarm of 3 manager and 2 worker:

./utils2devops/bin/ -c -m 3 -w 2

Destroy it:

./utils2devops/bin/ -r 5