Swarm Stack local-with-out-proxy

Before using these make sure you had clone the repository by:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Now let’s go..

(*) All Open Sources

Services Software
GUI Control Portainer
Central Monitoring Promotheus + Grafana
Central Logging Elastic ELK
Layer 7 Proxy  
Storage Local File System
Networking Docker Swarm Overlay
Orchestration Docker Swarm
Runtime Docker CE
Machine and OS Vagrant + VirtualBox

You have 3 way to deploy it:

 - The fast way by launch the ansible workbook, but that use docker-machine how is DEPRECATED:

      ansible-playbook -i ansible/swarm/local-inventory ansible/swarm/SwarmStackBaseDM.yml
     # NOTE: that will take around 5 minutes

- The second fastest way (without docker-machine):

     cd vagrant
     vagrant up
     # python ../ansible/swarm/inventories/hf_vagrant.py --list
     cd ../ansible
     ansible-playbook -i vagrant/.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory ansible/swarm/SwarmStackBase.yml
     # NOTE: that will take around 5 minutes

 - Or the long way but where you can learn every step ...

Deployment step by step

1/ Create the Machines:

1.1/ With docker-machine (DEPRECATED):

./utils2devops/bin/docker-machine-cluster.sh -c 5
You can go to see the doc of this tools here Create your local cluster of docker-machine

1.2/ With Vagrant:

cd vagrant; vagrant up
You can go to see the doc of this tools here ref-create-vagrant
Here we will create a swarm with 5 machines

2/ Enable monitoring (optional) (DEPRECATED):

2.1/ With docker-machine (DEPRECATED):

./utils2devops/bin/enable-monitoring.sh -p ./utils2devops/docker/ -n 5

2.2/ With Ansible, we just install Docker:

cd ../ansible
ansible-playbook -i ../vagrant/.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory ../ansible/base-provision-docker.yml

3/ Create the Docker Swarm:: | You can go to see the doc of this tools here Add local nodes in docker-machine (DEPRECATED in version >= 0.2) | Here we will create a swarm with 3 manager and 2 worker

3.1/ With docker-machine (DEPRECATED):

./utils2devops/bin/swarm.sh -c -m 3 -w 2

3.2/ With Ansible:

ansible-playbook -i ../vagrant/.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory ../ansible/base-provision-docker-swarm.yml

4/ With docker-machine (DEPRECATED), Launch docker command in the Master:

eval "$(docker-machine env node-1)"

5/ Deploy Ops Stacks Graphics UI (optional):

5.1/ With docker-machine (DEPRECATED):

export PORTAINER_HOST=portainer.example.com
docker stack deploy -c ./utils2devops/docker/local-with-out-proxy/portainer.yml portainer

5.2/ With Ansible:

#TODO: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39925167/using-ansible-docker-service-module-to-deploy-service-to-swarm
ansible-playbook -i ../vagrant/.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory ../ansible/base-provision-docker-swarm.yml

After these steps we will have a Portainer at:

Portainer at:
and so many other... have a look here https://www.portainer.io/overview/

6/ Deploy Ops Stacks:

6.1/ With docker-machine (DEPRECATED):

docker stack deploy -c ./submodules/swarmprom/docker-compose.yml prom
docker stack deploy -c ./utils2devops/docker/local-with-out-proxy/elk.yml elk

6.2/ With Ansible:

ansible-playbook -i ../vagrant/.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory ../ansible/base-provision-docker-swarm.yml

After these steps we will have

Grafana login at:
Grafana Swarm nodes at:
Grafana Swarm Services at:
Promotheus Stat at:
Promotheus Query at::
Alert manager at:
Alert Dashboard at:
Elasticsearch at:
kibana at:
and much more have a look at https://github.com/stefanprodan/swarmprom

7/ Now it’s ready to deploy your apps and test them:

7.1/ With docker-machine (DEPRECATED):

docker stack deploy my_company/my_services my_service

7.2/ With Ansible:

ansible-playbook -i ../vagrant/.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory ../ansible/base-provision-docker-swarm.yml

8/ When you have finish to use it, Destroy it by:

8.1/ With docker-machine (DEPRECATED):

./utils2devops/bin/docker-machine-cluster.sh -d 5

8.2/ With Vagrant:

cd ../vagrant
vagrant destroy -f