Aws Tools

Create an AWS account (it’s free):

Aws secret required, create a ~/.aws/credential file and add:

aws_access_key_id = <Your key id>
aws_secret_access_key = <Your secret access key id>
aws_access_key_id = <Your key id>
aws_secret_access_key = <Your secret access key id>

Aws Env required, create a ~/.aws/config file and add:

output = json
region = <the region name>
output = json
region = <the region name>

WARNING: Deprecated in version 0.2.0, now provided by AWS directly :)


PYTHONPATH=. python utils2devops/aws/
resource "aws_internet_gateway" "igw-8bc0adef" {
    vpc_id = "vpc-4a50ae2d"
    tags {

aws apigateway get-rest-apis
    "items": [
            "id": "823ja68abi",
            "name": "serverlessrepo-api-gatewa-apigatewayauthorizerpyth-XL8UW8JQXOBJ-API",
            "description": "Created by AWS Lambda",
            "createdDate": "2019-06-06T09:38:20+00:00",
            "apiKeySource": "HEADER",
            "endpointConfiguration": {
                "types": [

List Api Gateway

To list all the api gateway for the region:

PYTHONPATH=. python utils2devops/aws/

List Aws lambda

To list all the Aws lambda for the region:

PYTHONPATH=. python utils2devops/aws/

List internet gateway

To list all the internet gateway for the region:

PYTHONPATH=. python utils2devops/aws/

resource "aws_internet_gateway" "igw-9935f0" {
    vpc_id = "vpc-9e987"
    tags {

List lambda ssm

To list all the lambda ssm for the region:

PYTHONPATH=. python utils2devops/aws/

List network acl

To list all the network acl for the region:

$ PYTHONPATH=. python utils2devops/aws/
resource "aws_network_acl" "acl-c31fc4a4" {
    vpc_id = "vpc-4a50ae2d"
    subnet_ids = ["subnet-35dfb76d","subnet-09a73005","subnet-bdedb380","subnet-a35833c6","subnet-e392f0c9","subnet-ad0e52db",]
    ingress {
        rule_no = "100"
        action = "allow"
        cidr_block = ""
        ipv6_cidr_block = ""
        protocol = "-1"
        from_port = 0
        to_port = 0
        icmp_code = 0
        icmp_type = 0
    egress {
        rule_no = "100"
        action = "allow"
        cidr_block = ""
        ipv6_cidr_block = ""
        protocol = "-1"
        from_port = 0
        to_port = 0
        icmp_code = 0
        icmp_type = 0
    tags {

// BY AWS CLI directly
$ aws ec2 describe-network-acls
    "NetworkAcls": [
            "Associations": [
                    "NetworkAclAssociationId": "aclassoc-8149f6e9",
                    "NetworkAclId": "acl-f1780b98",
                    "SubnetId": "subnet-a308c3ee"
                    "NetworkAclAssociationId": "aclassoc-8f49f6e7",
                    "NetworkAclId": "acl-f1780b98",
                    "SubnetId": "subnet-83a3dfea"
                    "NetworkAclAssociationId": "aclassoc-8049f6e8",
                    "NetworkAclId": "acl-f1780b98",
                    "SubnetId": "subnet-345ce64f"
            "Entries": [
                    "CidrBlock": "",
                    "Egress": true,
                    "PortRange": {
                        "From": 80,
                        "To": 80
                    "Protocol": "6",
                    "RuleAction": "allow",
                    "RuleNumber": 100
                    "CidrBlock": "",
                    "Egress": true,
                    "Protocol": "-1",
                    "RuleAction": "deny",
                    "RuleNumber": 32767
                    "CidrBlock": "",
                    "Egress": false,
                    "PortRange": {
                        "From": 443,
                        "To": 443
                    "Protocol": "6",
                    "RuleAction": "allow",
                    "RuleNumber": 100
                    "CidrBlock": "",
                    "Egress": false,
                    "Protocol": "-1",
                    "RuleAction": "deny",
                    "RuleNumber": 32767
            "IsDefault": true,
            "NetworkAclId": "acl-f1780b98",
            "Tags": [
                    "Key": "Name",
                    "Value": "network-acl-name"
            "VpcId": "vpc-9e98f6f7",
            "OwnerId": "397270606208"

List route table

To list all the route table for the region:

PYTHONPATH=. python utils2devops/aws/

resource "aws_route_table" "" {
    vpc_id = "vpc-4a50ae2d"

    route {
        route_table_id = "rtb-6298e405"
        destination_cidr_block = ""
        gateway_id = "local"

    route {
        route_table_id = "rtb-6298e405"
        destination_cidr_block = ""
        gateway_id = "igw-8bc0adef"

List s3 bucket

To list all the s3 bucket for the region:

PYTHONPATH=. python utils2devops/aws/

List secret

To list all the secret for the region:

PYTHONPATH=. python utils2devops/aws/

List security group

To list all the security group for the region:

PYTHONPATH=. python utils2devops/aws/

List ssm

To list all the ssm for the region:

PYTHONPATH=. python utils2devops/aws/

List subnet

To list all the subnet for the region:

PYTHONPATH=. python utils2devops/aws/

List vpc

To list all the vpc for the region:

PYTHONPATH=. python utils2devops/aws/